Thursday, January 21, 2010

Laughing Eagle Is Back Online

Welcome back to the land of the unblocked arteries, Larry.

The Eagle shall soon be laughing again.

Best Wishes, Larry

Its been a hell of a ride for the Brody clan of late, 

what with ice storms,

and medical issues,

miraculous cures

fun on the ranch,

and now this.  Come back out West where the air is pure

and everyone's happy and healthy.


Marty Rudoy

I'm trying to imagine what quintuple bypass surgery looks like. I imagine it looks a lot like the 405/10 interchange.


It takes some kind of man to survive that kind of traffic pattern.

Get better soon.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Larry, I insist that you return to health at once!

(Sorry for being so bossy, Larry, but it's coming from a place of love.)

To assist the healing process, I thought that a pretty girl singing a pretty song might do you some good.


Norah Jones singing “Are You Lonesome Tonight?”

Looking forward to your return to health and to Writer Action.



Did you know that yesterday was the tenth anniversary of David Letterman's quintuple bypass surgery? It was.

And today, as he watches his rivals slug it out over at NBC, he is able to sit back comfortably and enjoy higher ratings than ever as he successfully fights off blackmail attempts by disgruntled head-cases.

There's a lesson there somewhere. Please get well soon so you can tell me what it is.

Eric E.

Doug's Dozen Reasons For Larry Brody To Get Well Real Soon

Doug's Dozen Reasons for Larry to get well soon:
1. Lime Jell-o 

2. Constant repetitions of "how are we doing?" when "we" actually means you

3. Strange women giving you sponge baths (actually, I'm not sure this is a reason)

4. Grape Jell-o

5. Remote possibility a mad scientist operates out of this hospital

6. Disinfectant smell

7. If they don't use disinfectant , even more reason

8. Roommate who keeps asking if you're going to finish your Jell-o

9. Roommate who keeps trying to sell you Amway crap

10. You spotted Stephen King researching his next novel

11. Everyone misses you like crazy

and the 12th reason for Larry Brody to get well soon:

12. So when you wear clothes that show your ass, it's because you want to

Larry, I look forward to reading you again.

Best wishes,


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Get Well Larry

Best wishes from Writer Action.

Who's Read These?


How many Writer Action members have their own Wikipedia entry?  Answer: okay, a bunch of them do, but here's our favorite one.